Monday, November 17, 2008

buy kids

I spoke with Role and he told me a story about this track; he said he recorded one night while wrestling with a dying flu. He has been divorced for almost a year now but has not really managed to make much of a life post-marriage.
His children are only interested in what they can get from him; materially.
He said he had been having issues with self-worth since he doesn't have much monetarily to offer.

In so many words, he has eluded to ending his life during the upcoming holiday season.

I've tried to talk him out of it, telling him he has so much more to live for; that there are people that care about him and his luck will change.

He smiles back at me, emptily as he appears to have preconditioned himself to have these conversations; he thinks this is all so pretentious and that human suffering should end in success or self-elimination, but never in a mediocre existence.

He really doesn't care that he's risking an eternity in the lake of fire; all he sees is the current emptiness and distress that he says he's been in for so long.

Shake it off. Role, you can really get me down.

Here's his latest; buy kids

Dude, don't be such a downer...

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