Monday, September 16, 2024

for God is love.

He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

1 John 4:8
King James Bible

доброго ранку

أوصنا لابن داود

It's 7:58 AM EDT on the 911 2024. It's been nearly a generation now, but I still remember, clear as day where I was; I was working for the Simmons Bedding Company in their IT department; promoted from the help desk to tech services, and I was cabling a new dell server when Mitch the manager called me into the conference room, the team and lots of the finance department with whom we shared the floor with were huddled around a small portable television watching the horror unfold in downtown Manhattan.

Days later Bush had troops on the ground with tanks and bases looking for weapons of mass destruction and there were American flags on every car.

One of the airports that they alleged terrorist took flight lessons wasn't far from our house in Gwinnett County.

Days later, before the 20th I landed in Dulles to work in Fredericksburg, as my custom was I flew in on Sunday to settle into town, take in the sights before reporting for duty on Monday. 

I saw the hole in the pentagon with my own eyes and it did indeed appear more like an internal detonation, there was no airplane debris (did they really clear the crime scene that fast?).

God knoweth.

Deep sigh.

Praise ye the LORD. 

FIN by 10:52 AM.

Praise ye the LORD.

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