Sunday, September 15, 2024

cover thee

He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Psalm 91:4
King James Bible


Jesus ist der Herr.

It's now 7:00 AM EDT on the 10th of September 2024, the forcast here looks like:

Definitely early autumn.

Which is a bit challenging for me because I grow summer fruits; tomatoes, patatoes, peppers and if I'm really blessed okra.

Fall/winter gardening? I got some good kale last seasoon; garlic too but brassicas?  Not yet mate. Maybe this will be the year!

God is faithful, I trust him. 

Praise ye the LORD.

FIN by 12:09 PM. Time for some calisthenics and breakfast.

Praise ye the LORD.

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