Tuesday, July 9, 2013


Bye dropped awhile ago.

You didn't know it unless you're part of the cross-over tumblr crüe.

It dropped back in March, March 7th of 2013 to be precise.

Back when it was cold during the mid-day hours and Joanna and Noah were in Alpharetta.

I love that the spirit is moving the workflow so fast. 

I trust the holy spirit in my music, I believe that God knows all things and the future is already mapped out, we're merely walking thru it daily, in earth as it is in heaven.

I'm going to rock this with you then go to bed, I have Trinity for another day and I want to be refreshed to make the best memories with my family.

Glory to Jesus. I just want to convey how amazing his love is and how amazing his word is. 

I am use music to do this; hopefully I can avoid the slave-force and pay the bills with these jams.

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