I had total déjà vu when uploading this just now. I heard the drums and seen the tabs opening... fleeting but existent non the less.
So many new doors are near. I dare not jinx them by mentioning them specifically. I do know that some of the things began this summer may fade, simply because the commitment levels differ; as much as I would hope they wouldn't a lack of communication is a lack of communication.
On the flip side, there are many roads inward. A constant focus on quality delivery and performance is paramount.
Remember what you want, what you expect and what you hope for; and above all who you hope in. There is still hope for a future, despite the inconsistencies of today.
Those around you; reach out to them in all truth, seeking their best interest; even pray for them. Perhaps who is the most high will bless the desires of your heart.
(fast forward) it's all ready been written, let's see how it plays out.
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