Good morning, a bit more relaxed than I was yesterday. Here's another,almost identical version of try except for you can hear the drums (huge difference). Say Happy Birthday to 85lives; this blog was born about this time during the summer of 2008.
double nickels is making the most serious, fast and sustainable progress of any act I've been in thus far. It's a unique combination of maturity, matching and layered links of acceptance and admiration and a common end goal.
Big things can come in small packages Work with what you have Focus and be determined Mind made up Have a reason, purpose Age is not a factor Neither is Financial means Watch your words Watch who you say what to Practice Listen Get better Iron sharpens iron, so call it.
Did all the parts myself, not the desired way, but a means to an end, a way to portray the sounds in my head with little to no exterior influence (while of course, I welcome said influence, if the person wants to play along with what I'm doing).
It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock n' roll.
"I'm not American, I wasn't born hear; but I have been westernized" she said. And she likes the MC5; perhaps she may be more than fan? Who knows and does it really matter. mozeltoff
When in doubt, give. It's far better to give than receive.
"When we have nothing Left to give There'll be no reason for us to live."
- Fugazi
Always give. Give cheerfully. Give without thought of reward. Give and watch maybe you'll grow Give and watch maybe you'll show Give and watch maybe you'll change yourself your family your community your time on Earth
Partly inspired by the ever-dreamy no-hit wonder from 2008, Don't ask me how I know; only this is sort of the melancholy bummer version. eva's complaint
Eva has a great Dane and was sort of complaining about the situation she is in with her landlord. "land lord" are you kidding me, is that still a term? Yeah, it is. We are not free.
repeat over and over again while uploading, thus convincing yourself and whoever else is in the room it's a hit
place at top of play-list so you can again mediate on it on the way to the pyramid construction site (not that bad, actually quite pleasant as far as day jobs go.)
The three young ladies I met briefly on the righteous room deck were very inviting. It was more than my need/want for adventure.
I opted against it; because I knew the problems it could bring. But I was/am up for it.
Of course the reality of the situation could be vastly different than the fantasy. If there wasn't a cover to get into the Highland Ballroom, I would have went for it, even just for a moment.
The 5$ cover was my way out.
But my God, wouldn't it be nice to have that fulfillment against the victory, the passion.
I have a good situation now, and I'm doing good not to rock it (although these words could be considered "rocking" it) the fact of the manner is I'm a bit older and wiser and more calculated. Foolishness is not a positive adjective. amyguinevere and blonde
Double Nickels played @eyedrum's kirkwood ballers club last night; sketchy still fluid. Wish they had turned on the white lights and turned up the vocal mic, but hey here you go.
Last night I dreamt I was at a table in a dark castle with older folks, like from the 40's; talking about the benefits of dating/marrying a jew. I think they were gestapo but the one closer in age and culture to me kept talking about his home studio, all these acoustics and m-audio and Mac this. The old fraulein sitting next to him by not directly was sipping schnapps a bit nervously; she was his financier (she bought him the stuff in exchange for favors no doubt).
We were dealt a ton of cards and I was pretty drunk so I really was having problems not exposing mine. "What are we playing?" I asked.
"Rummy" said the nazi lieutenant with the eye-patch and cigarette holder; drinking some scotch (obviously I've been watching a bit of WWII era film; inglorious basterds; valkyrie and the like).
They were starting to make fun of me as I laid triple 10's but drunkly included an 8. I ranted something about them trying to rush me and I was gonna take my time and set my cards right. I secretly ruled at Rummy having trained in Yuma during the 80's with my Mother and introduced the game to my son in the 00's.
When out of the shadows and smoking a cigarette in the same extended cigarette holder as the nazi's a she came forward; still sitting but the spotlight hit her in all the medieval smoke and darkness; "he's right, you are pressuring him, and you will loose regardless, he's the winner in the end." she said; looking coyly at me; it was Maggie Gyllenhaal.
ps - this jam has nothing to do with the dream, it was mastered last night and would have been uploaded last night but Jojo and I had to look at vacation packages that we (I) can't afford. Thank you Jesus.
No Age says every artist needs a tragedy but I say worse that a single event (a tragedy) is working, waiting and expecting something to happen that never does... and still refusing to believe it will not even though it has not - and the years role bye. maybe_later
Micheal Person; drummer from double nickels, has this friend from the UK named Brett. Brett happens to be a chef. And he plays a bit of bass. israeli is pretty much double nickels with chef Brett on bass.
... Cheers. I'm not completely crazy about my final cut-ness here but it's honest and documents more of the subevents during the events of the beep beep show on 5/30/10. See you later.
Hi. If this is your first time here, be sure to check out theGuide to 85 Lives... it'll help you navigate thru the content, of course you can just browse and click all day if you want to, that's fine.
If you wanna go straight to the hits, go to scarrzz.