Friday, January 17, 2025

keep in memory

By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain.

1 Corinthians 15:2
King James Bible


הושענא לבן דוד

It's 3:54 PM EDT on the 16th of January 2025.

Many tracks ready but not quite FIN. It's 8:40 PM. Buenos noches.


Chúa Jesus là Chúa.

It's now 9:43 AM EDT on the Friday the 17th of January 2025.
This morning's listening stats? Still heading in the right direction, ever on the way:

God is faithful.

Vamos feeble folk.

Praise ye the LORD.

FIN by 11:05 AM; utilizing so much quality control to get this just right.

God is faithful.

Praise ye the LORD.

hasta el descenso de la misma

From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the Lord's name is to be praised.

Psalm 113:3
King James Bible


Jesus ist der Herr.

It's now 9:01 AM EDT on the 15th of January 2025, God is faithful, today will be a good day.

Vamos feeble folk.

Praise ye the LORD.

FIN before 8:08 AM EDT on th 16th of January 2025. 

Praise ye the LORD.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Reissue day #16: shadow

But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

1 Corinthians 15:57
King James Bible

Bom dia,

Jesus ist der Herr.

It's currently 3:15 PM EDT on the 16th of January 2025 and here is the year's 1st repost.

Coming to you from the 27th of January 2015 at 4:10 PM; what another world that was.

Enjoy Reissue day #16: shadow.

Scheduled on the same day as reissue #15. All praise to JESUS!

This one got 16 views till just now, not sure how many plays but a very curious listen for sure.

Praise ye the LORD.


So then faith cometh by hearing

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Romans 10:17
King James Bible


הושענא לבן דוד

Another bright Sunday without any futbol:/

It's now 5:39 PM EDT on the 12th of January 2025.

 I so wanted to play but all the fields were booked and I didn't have anyone to even do passes with.  At my stage I  am a bit of a creature of habit and I enjoy playing regularly but perhaps it's time to let it go.

Vamos feeble folk.

Praise ye the LORD.

FIN by 6:24 PM

Praise ye the LORD.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

and of things in the sea,

For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind:

James 3:7
King James Bible


Jesus ist der Herr.

It's now 5:30 PM EDT on the 14th of January 2025, just had a pizza with Noah, vamos feeble folk.

It's now 9:57 PM; album is basically FIN. Hasta mañana.

Praise ye the LORD.

Album FIN with this here single streaming by 9:00 AM on the 15th.

Check the morning stats:

God is faithful.

Praise ye the LORD.

רשימת השמעה 2 של 2025

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:2
King James Bible

Bom dia,

Jesus ist der Herr.

It's now 11:53 AM EDT on the 13th of January 2025, it's time for calesthnics then food but first, since I reset my cookies I am probably done with tumblr, but not with you!

Here's the beginning of the 2nd playlist of 2025:

Praise ye the LORD.

FIN? God knoweth. 

Praise ye the LORD.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

ainsi est l'homme qui s'égare loin de son lieu.

As a bird that wandereth from her nest, so is a man that wandereth from his place.

Proverbs 27:8
King James Bible


הושענא לבן דוד

I begun this album at 4:58 PM EDT on the 13th of January 2025, the snow is all but gone.

Maldini scored for Monza.

I worked till 7:11 PM but now it's time for a salad and wind down before bed.

...And I am back in studio, 8:42 AM EDT on the 14th:

Vamos feeble folk.

Praise ye the LORD.

Praise ye the LORD. 

FIN by 11:34 AM EDT. Most of the album is available for free streaming via SC.

God is faithful.

Praise ye the LORD.

a little folly

Dead flies cause the ointment of the apothecary to send forth a stinking savour: so doth a little folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honour.


Ecclesiastes 10:1

King James Bible


הושענא לבן דוד

It's now 10:5 AM EDT  on the 10th of January 2025 and the snow looks like it's done falling.

Praise ye the LORD.

FIN by 1:50 PM.

Praise ye the LORD.

Monday, January 13, 2025

with fervent heat,

But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.

2 Peter 3:10
King James Bible

Bom dia,

הושענא לבן דוד

It's now 8:18 AM EDT on the 13th of January 2025, this year is certainly starting to be uniquely edgy, southern California on fire, thick cold and seemingly no way out.

And truly the only way out is to sleeep the sleep of death or be a new addition to the growing community of homeless America.

Thank God for the King James Bible, which provides me comfort in all situations.

And more reasons to endure:

The tracks are making impact, look at the level of reach:

So yes, I need to be steadfast and continue and overcome, there is a reward in overcoming, less in endless restarts. 

Vamos feeble folk.

Praise ye the LORD.

FIN by 10:50 AM; God is faithful.

Praise ye the LORD.

whose God is their belly

Whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame, who mind earthly things.)

Philippians 3:19
King James Bible

Bonne nuit

הושענא לבן דוד

I begun work on this album at 5:53 PM EDT on the 8th of January 2025 and completed 4 songs before it was time for some Genesis with the family and then some much needed sleep.

Bom dia,

Jesus ist der Herr.

It's now 8:31 AM EDT on the 9th of January 2025, God is good to me and blessing this work with higher quality and increasing the volume of daily listeners:

Vamos feeble folk.

Praise ye the LORD.

FIN by 10:19 AM.

Praise ye the LORD.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

run with patience

Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,

Hebrews 12:1
King James Bible

Bom dia,

הושענא במרומם

It's currently 8:57 AM EDT on the 12th of January 2025, the snow is melting under the bright southern sun, it is cold but it will be sunny so futbol dans l'après-midi:

Of note with the SoundCloud play stats; just like this here blog, I don't upload anything new on the last day of the week; I might send out a tweet but that's about it, but yet the play counts are still up and going strong:

Andiamo chief corner stone!

Praise ye the LORD.

FIN before 2:47 PM.

Praise ye the LORD.

The ungodly are not so:

The ungodly are not so: but are like the chaff which the wind driveth away.

Psalm 1:4
King James Bible

Bom dia.

It's now 7:51 AM EDT on the 8th of January 2025.

Hosanna au Fils de David.

It's too cold for my liking today, in the 20's f. 
Last night I stayed up late making beats for this morning's release.

Then I went to sleep but couldn't sleep; I got up at midnight and watched the first 5 minutes of Brazil vs Scotland; group C of world cup 1990. I didn't recognize a single player; the in between generation.

Play counts are in the right direction:

God is faithful, enough rambling. Vamos feeble folk.

Praise ye the LORD.

FIN before 4:27 PM

Friday, January 10, 2025

There brake he the arrows of the bow,

There brake he the arrows of the bow, the shield, and the sword, and the battle. Selah.

Psalm 76:3
King James Bible


הושענא לבן דוד

AM I really starting another album at 10:34 AM EDT on the 9th of January 2025?!

I got a solid and a curious work completed by 11:15 AM, but now it's time to cut some wood, eat and get me calisthenics on; give the ears a break with every intention of completion before the day is spent.

It's now 5:01 PM and I am back in studio.

It's 8:08 PM and I have all the tracks finished but I still need to proof 'em. That's mañana; Lord willing.

.... and it's now 9:04 AM EDT on the 10th; snow is covering the south, over 2 inches of fresh powder is already on the ground and I ran 4.5 miles in it. The stats are still up, God is helping me:

God is faithful.

Vamos feeble folk.

@85lives · Salmo 76
Praise ye the LORD. FIN by 9:44 AM.

 Get some rest mañana.

Praise ye the LORD.
Hi. If this is your first time here, be sure to check out the Guide to 85 Lives... it'll help you navigate thru the content, of course you can just browse and click all day if you want to, that's fine.

If you wanna go straight to the hits, go to scarrzz.

If you want to book, collaborate, or simply communicate with any of the artist listed here, let us know, we're open to playing festivals and traveling to see you.