I wasn't AWOL yesterday, but sometimes I feel like a factory, just churning out pieces without care or concern, and while that may appear as so, and may even be so at times, all the sounds here are original and unique and very personal.
Last nite is about the time in a relationship when it's time to make decisions. Is it you and I or or we just waiting for someone better?
On again/off again relationships only lead to scarring and Lord knows we don't need more of that.
Here is the movement in 3 parts.
Last nite - before the fight
Download Last nite - before the fight
Last nite - during the fight
Download Last nite - during the fight
Last nite - after the fight
Download Last nite - after the fight
Son, if you are reading this; I love you and miss you very much. I hope you had a good birthday weekend. Sorry I wasn't a part of it. This is just another example of the proceedings of divorce.
My hubby (ex?) didn't show up for my son's birthday. I guess to punish me for telling his mother the truth about our financial situation and how he is just leaving us hanging. It sucks. I'm trying to let it go and move on but it's hard for me.
That sounds like a very hard situation indeed, and as you know, I can definitely empathize.
I didn't do anything this weekend for Arizona's birthday either because I'm having serious financial issues but I called him and got a sweet skateboard a few weeks ago with my last check.
Hang in there; read the story of Lazarus
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