Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Hungry Heart

We all have special people and special experiences in our lives here on Earth. For those of us who's path leads us to make art and music, those relationships and memories can be illustrated and captured for others to see and hear, perhaps well into the future.

2007 was a particularly interesting (to be a be upbeat) year. Facing a separation from his wife, leading to an inevitable divorce, Edward Lund had some hard choices to make.

In typical fashion he considered his options in layers of rhythm and and tone, inflecting the pain he was going thru all the while trying to give his friends and family a different way to see and here the world.

Hungry Heart was recorded during the early winter of 2007, Feburarish, with the aide of Travis Rivers; a trusty friend from a few years before. Travis recorded this jam in his basement, he also played drums on it.

Edward sang and did the guitar thing.

Here's the downloader.

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