Saturday, February 28, 2009


Ahh, now this one brought contentment into my soul, have I done all that I want to do in life, will I ever?
That remains to be seen, but all this whining over material things, that must end.
If you could choose, to be wealthy but not have this sense of sound, vision and taste would you choose it?


Money can't buy the places I go in my mind to bring these songs to you.

I know I've aluded to how BSWS and Role and The Way all are contributors to 85lives but the fact is that they are all personalities within me, different forms of expression.

I didn't just say that, get it out before the meds wear off. Focus on the track at hand.

ssoouul is perhaps the most subtle piece I've composed thus far. I hope you enjoy it. A lyrical version should be out soon, but I had to let the music speak for itself on this one.

Desde mi primera hora de la mañana la humildad ante Dios a su ipod, espero que disfrute de esta

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