I've tried and I just couldn't say it better, but then you always knew that; sorta like an unspoken understanding, a coy gesture amongst friends.
But then the hardship sets in, the cold of loneliness, the chill of realizing that maybe you just weren't.
Where do you turn then? What's left? Sure you could keep producing and hoping against hope; wishing, waiting... but why.
And God, religion, spirituality? Really? Sure, why not. At this point it's all just survival anyway. It's just hanging around, seeing what happens. The promises of scripture kick in when you loose your desire. When you no longer want. And you've wanted your entire life. Somehow what you had was never enough, never quite satisfying. Inadequate.
And there you sit, broke and broken. yawn. Isn't it getting old, like you? There's nothing you can do that you're not doing or haven't done to better your fate. There's really only one way, and drempt about it all night...
... you tell yourself. Fine wait here, download this in the meantime. Rock it loud as you fold your laundry.
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