Saturday, June 19, 2010

amyguinevere and blonde

I still have a chance. It's only 1:22:25am

The three young ladies I met briefly on the righteous room deck were very inviting. It was more than my need/want for adventure.

I opted against it; because I knew the problems it could bring. But I was/am up for it.

Of course the reality of the situation could be vastly different than the fantasy.
If there wasn't a cover to get into the Highland Ballroom, I would have went for it, even just for a moment.

The 5$ cover was my way out.

But my God, wouldn't it be nice to have that fulfillment against the victory, the passion.

I have a good situation now, and I'm doing good not to rock it (although these words could be considered "rocking" it) the fact of the manner is I'm a bit older and wiser and more calculated. Foolishness is not a positive adjective.
amyguinevere and blonde


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