Saturday, March 28, 2009


Too much importance gets taken for granted; the subtleties; the small gestures, you know them, you recognize them, yet you think they always will be there. You play a game with yourself, a game of self-deception, you pretend not to notice.

Yet you're in the presence of genius, it might be as shiny as you thought it would be, but all the same, you're invited into a world you always wish you could be a part of. What do you do now?

Typically, you resume your course of actions. The parable of the seed comes to mind. Perhaps you take a bit of root, perhaps you recognize what your being invited into. Perhaps you really could have this whole new life. Are there recognizable stones and thorns in the way? What do you do about it?


Tôi nhận được mạnh mẽ hơn, tôi nhận được nhiều kỹ năng. Có lẽ Thiên Chúa sẽ cấp cho tôi cầu nguyện nào được nêu ra. Đi được một phần của tầm nhìn của tôi, hãy làm điều này.

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